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The Rotary Club of Basildon

We are enthusiastic, fun loving and active volunteers who give some of our time to help the Basildon community and people in need around the world. We are a mixed bag of people from all walks of life and different ages sharing a common interest in helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

We meet once a week in the early evening on Thursdays at The Holiday Inn. Our meetings are very informal lasting an hour and a half or therabouts over tea, coffee and a biscuit or two.

We are always looking for new members so if you can spare a couple of hours a week, want to DO something worthwhile, make new friends and at the same time have some fun then please come along to any of our meetings. Call Mike on 07970379985 for more info.

Rotary International is one of the largest service organisations in the world with over 1.2 million members, 33,000 clubs in over 200 countries.

In Great Britain & Ireland there are 1,700 clubs with over 47,000 members.

The Rotary Club of Basildon logo

Tel: 07970379985


Website: Visit the website

Facebook: Visit the page

Address: Waterfront Walk, Festival Leisure Park, Basildon, Basildon,

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