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Headway Essex

In Essex, every 58 minutes, somebody is admitted to hospital with an acquired brain injury. As a charity, our mission is to ensure that everyone in Essex living with an acquired brain injury can live a fulfilling life and that families and carers are better able to cope with their caring roles. Our Hub in South Benfleet runs various Activity Sessions to enable individuals to regain lost or new skills. We also hold monthly Support Groups and Fortnightly social Groups, for both ABI survivors and their carers

During the COVID-19 outbreak, we are engaging with clients and carers through on-line sessions. Sessions include fatigue management, exercise classes, brain Injury education, quizzes and carers groups. We are also available for one to one advice and support over the phone and we can put in place support to help you manage and cope.

Headway Essex logo

Tel: 01206 845945


Website: Visit the website

Facebook: Visit the page

Address: Headway Essex , Benfleet Methodist Church - 1st Floor , Benfleet , Benfleet ,

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